Write them down, create a graphic that includes them or say them in a mirror each morning but regardless of your method, these phrases and mantras can help event planners boost productivity.
Affirmations and mantras are often used because over time they can change your mindset and help you to actualize what you want. As well as this, they can serve as a reminder of what you want to achieve and how to get there because it is easy to switch to autopilot when you get to work. For event planners, this level of mindfulness will help to improve productivity and allow you to achieve your goals by repeating these phrases to yourself each day.
- top, Take A Step Back
It might seem counterproductive to be encouraging yourself to stop working, however, this thought process is particularly useful when problem-solving as it reminds you to look at things from a different perspective, take a minute and try to handle something in a different way, which is more likely to result in success.
- I Will Not Let Negativity In
Negativity can be a hindrance on productivity by making you feel like you can’t do things and is a very powerful force that will stop you taking on tasks altogether. Positivity breeds success and helps you to enjoy what you do, so even if you are looking for a little more motivation to keep the negativity at bay, try a motivational playlist or quotes that inspire you. - I Will Get This Done Today
If you can do something today, then do it because putting it off means adding something else to your to-do list tomorrow, which is going to put you behind. So if you are able to pick up a task and decide that you are going to do it today, then do it! If you are struggling, delegate or ask for help but reminding yourself that this task is getting done today will help you prioritize it and actually get it done. - Pick Your Battles
This is usually a phrase regarding getting angry or annoyed at others but fits in perfectly for those who get easily frustrated. If you spend your time getting annoyed at every task, particularly if you don’t want to do it, you will drag your heels and it won’t get done. Decide what is really worth getting frustrated over, and you’ll find you are not only more productive but will be less stressed! - If It’s Not Helpful, It’s Hurtful
Procrastination is the ultimate productivity killer and when tasks start to pile up, something isn’t going to get done, so cut yourself off before you even start and decide whether or not what you are doing helps your goals or gets you to where you want to be today. If ‘this won’t help me reach my goals’, put it to one side and move on to something else. - Something Is Better Than Nothing
Have you ever had that paralyzing feeling where you are overwhelmed with workload and don’t know where to start, so in fact, you don’t do anything? This is a reminder that you can’t achieve everything and that is okay. Just do what you can and you will probably find that you get more done than you expected (and certainly more than you would have done by worrying about it). - It’s All In My Mind
Obstacles can be daunting and often it is ourselves that get in the way. Whether it’s our own negativity or an overwhelming task (or general workload), it is important to remind yourself that sometimes it could be yourself that is hindering progress. Realizing that it is actually you, makes things seem smaller and more manageable as we can make changes when we know the cause and improve. - Little Achievements Lead To Big Goals
Setting goals makes you a better eventprof but often the big ones can seem far in the distance and unattainable which demotivates you and reduces your productivity levels, but this mantra serves as a constant reminder that the small things all add up and achieving those things today puts you one step further to achieving the larger goals. -
Done Is Better Than Perfect
While you should always aim for top quality work and event planning, this is aimed at the perfectionist who is so worried about chasing perfection that they do so at the expense of actually getting things done. Not making any decisions or achieving anything because it doesn’t meet your unrealistic expectations can not only halt productivity but stop you from meeting deadlines altogether and can put entire events in jeopardy.
- Taking Care Of Myself Will Help Take Care Of Work
Burnout is real and it’s important to focus on your physical and mental health in order to be your most productive self. Running yourself into the ground will get you nowhere so this serves as a reminder that sometimes you need to take care of yourself first before trying to tackle work, particularly in the high-pressured event industry. - I Will Use My Resources
Many focus so much on trying to improve their own productivity that they forget there are plenty of tools around them that can help. Take stock of the resources you have available, including your event team and look into what you need to take some of the extra workload for you, be more productive the smarter way! - Less Talking, More Doing
Specifically targeted at those who waste time in unproductive meetings that tend to run over, have poor outcomes or are uncoordinated. Meetings can be a real time sucking task and to combat this and have more productive meetings, you should ensure that you are only going to those that are necessary or that you HAVE to be at, otherwise you are just wasting time chatting and not getting work done. - If I Have No Time, I Will Make Some
Sometimes the key to productivity is making your own time, whether it is streamlining your processes and making yourself more efficient, or prioritizing what actually does (or doesn’t) need to get done. For example, you can make your lunch break or commute more productive and this allows you to find time to get things done where others don’t. - If In Doubt, Make A List
There is a secret power of to-do lists and when you are stuck for what to do next, making a list can help you clear and organize your thoughts, regain your focus and allow you to be more productive by avoiding time-wasting when you move onto the next task. Also, writing a list can give you physical cues on where to go next, what to work on and will keep you busy so you don’t stray onto social media and start procrastinating. - The Past Is The Past
It is easy to get caught up in the blame game and waste time (and energy) justifying your own actions or focusing on office politics. Unless there is something to be done now, let it go, don’t hold a grudge and don’t waste time emailing back and forth or playing the blame game – it will never work out in your favor and you’re just throwing time away. - More Isn’t Always Better
A common productivity mistake made is that people assume that ticking more things off of the checklist is better than the actual work they get done. For example they may have 10 small, low-priority tasks that need doing and five big ones but they focus on getting the 10 done and consider this more productive. Turning productivity into a numbers game doesn’t always pay off and sometimes one high-priority, large task is worth 10 small ones – so ask yourself whether you are focusing too much on quantity over quality. - Time Is Money
This may seem business-orientated and while your organization is paying for your time, this phrase is also a reminder that your time is valuable. To stay productive you need to be asking yourself if the tasks you are wasting time on are worth your effort putting that time in, because if they aren’t, you can streamline the process, spend less time on them and move on; focusing on projects that are really worth it!
- I Got This!
Because sometimes we just need a reminder to keep on going and that we can actually handle everything on our plate or what we have going at the moment. Positivity phrases like this are the most powerful when it comes to productivity and have the biggest impact long-term to make a change to our thought processes so make sure if you say nothing else to yourself, let yourself know you got this!
In Conclusion
Whatever your focus, goals or intentions are for the future and no matter what you want to achieve, you will need to be productive. In order to get there, motivational phrases and mantras that you can tell yourself is a simple but effective way to do this. Pick and choose some of the most relevant on the list, repeat them every day and watch how your productivity and mindset changes.
(Social Coup LLC)